The personal blog of Alden.
World Cheese Index
I really wanted to work with the twitter API and to show data in real time. I started working with the word cheese just to test it out and I ended up sticking with it throughout the process.
You can observer cheeses here.
And see code here.…
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Haunted Dolls and Things
Recently I’ve been thinking mostly – but somewhat disjointedly – about haunted dolls as relational to AI and various societal-level fears. The doll as feminine artifact rendered creepy by autonomous movement and malicious intent is drawing parallels for me to visions of consumer-level AI – which frequently is embodied feminized labor – disrupting human civilization, both on the level of job displacement and as genocidal overlords. Many questions arise. At what depth of the uncanny valley does misogyny lie?…
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Button Game
I’m in the middle of changing hosts for my blog so I will keep this entry short. I made a game involving clicking DOM buttons… a lot.
You can see the code for the game here.
And you can play the game here.
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Hi Five Machine
For our midterm Ridwan and I thought it would be really funny to make a machine that claims to give a high five but actually fakes you out every time.
Aesthetically it reminds me a bit of the toilet hand from Zelda.
Inside it has an arduino, two metal gear servos on a pan/tilt bracket meant for camera tracking controlling the hand, an HC- SR04 distance sensor, and an LCD screen.…
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Circle Game with Tracking
I overhauled some of the code from my project last week so that events would only happen once so that the player would not experience an event more than once. I’d like to implement some further tracking so that the narrative would change depending on what the user had done previously but I didn’t finish that in a playable way.
You can see the improved code here.
I put a playable version of it here.…
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Empathy Lense Kickstarter Campaign
We’d like to thank Jason, Rick, and most importantly of all, Archibald! Thanks to for the use of his music.
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Business Card
Side A of the business card:
I really liked the hands and eyes that I had going in my show poster, so I decided that I wanted the same kind of thing for my business card. I wasn’t really sure what to put for my “title” so that is just a placeholder for now. The font I used was “Gil Sans” and I took my Twitter and Github icons from their media packages.…
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Making a Controller for My P5 Game
(note all the code for these projects can be viewed on my Github here though I will make specific references to scripts down below).
One of my P5 projects that I am the happiest with is an interactive poetry/anti-game game that involves corralling a ball with the cursor to reveal a narrative. I decided I wanted to replace the mouse and cursor with a joystick, and that I wanted to use node, express, and a websocket to interface between P5 and the arduino.…
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Circle Game
I wanted to make a game-as-interactive-poetry without clear goals but with player progress still mediated by “points”.
“Points” are displayed constantly in the upper left corner. Doing nothing makes the points go down, clicking and holding the circle in the center makes the points go up. I was thinking of “cookie clicker” type games (like the currently buzzing paper clip AI game) when I made this and how much I hate them for creating unintersting artificial rewards that my brain still loves.…
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ITP Winter Show Card
Initially I wanted to make something inspired by Tadanori Yokoo. I spent a lot of time futzing around with different elements but I ultimately decided what I liked was the simplest, a little line drawing reaching out to the show information, giving a sense of playfulness. I really like this color contrast but I think it might be a little distracting. I put a less contrast version on the bottom of the post.…
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