The personal blog of Alden.
Experiments in P5 drawing
I started off by trying to make faces/icons in the style of the Netflix user icons.
Quickly I got bored with that so then I started trying to make patterns with simple shapes that could be optical illusions or tiled as a desktop background… or a website background 🙂 I used for loops to avoid copy/pasting all my code:
This led me to try to recreate this piece by Paul Nasca:…
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Janet Cardiff Sound Walk and Reading Response
For several hours after I finished Her Long Black Hair, Janet Cardiff’s Central Park sound walk combining field recording, found object and narrative techniques of film noir, I felt a heightened awareness of the world around me, a sense that both the aural and visual information I was consuming had hidden narratives, meanings unknown to me, entire words and lives just beyond the field of my comprehension. This sense of hidden but pulsating alive connectivity is the central goal of Cardiff’s work: to create connections within time between the walker/listener and the spaces and strangers around them, and to create connections across time, between the walker/listener, the woman with black hair, Orpheus descending into Hades to rescue Eurydice, and Cardiff herself, connecting and condensing these moments of time and myth into a gem of experiential authenticity.…
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Akira Poster Design Analysis
Visually striking and iconic* – the original poster for the film Akira brings forth a sense of encroaching gloom, of decay, of violence, all with a startling minimalism. The film depicts the country of Japan at a time of crisis, evoked here in the poster by centering the colors of the Japanese flag and surrounding them with creeping, looming shadows of blue-grey.
The eye is immediately drawn by the image organization and the blue splash on his jacket toward the figure in the center, bringing him front and center to the poster and indicating that he is, if not the lead character, at least central to the film.…
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What Is Interaction?
Within ten minutes of using any screened device my left eye begins to strain and ache. My wrists hurt almost constantly and frequently I need to use wrist splints when typing in order to avoid the pain. When I go to sleep at night I have a dull ache in my neck and between my eyes, and when I wake up my first thought is to check my phone. Before thinking about coffee, before thinking about food, or work, or my day ahead, or my partner lying beside me, a light goes off in my brain, a synapse fires, indicating that it is seeking a dopamine reward for checking Twitter.…
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sc+++ title = “Rig Me” date = 2018-09-25T15:07:58-04:00 draft = false tags = [] categories = [“performative avatars”] +++
All my rigged, texture, .obj files located here.
Had a ton of fun with my body once I rigged it. I realized in this process that I need to rescan myself if I want a more real world vision of my body because I wore my glasses during my scan and they aren’t showing up super good on my body digitally.…
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